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The Next Closet that People will Slowly come out of is…

I have found a new group of people that I dearly love. I’m talking about you self proclaimed heathens, hellions, agnostics, and atheists. Just over one month ago I began reading books, blogs, and tweets from the unbelievers. And I found a group of people that had passion for their belief in unbelief. And I also began to feel sorry for them, and not because they didn’t know Jeeeeesus. It was because of how many of them admitted they are in the closet. They are atheist, but they can’t let their family know because they would be ostracized.

Think about that for a moment. Seriously, if you are a Christian let that flow through your purified mind. As a group, Christians are so judgmental or dogmatic that people in our own families run into their closet of doubt, because they fear anger or rejection.
And if you will notice, yours truly is anonymous! Yes, I don’t have my name on my Twitter account (@religionsuckz) or this blog. Why? Because I am fairly well known in certain areas of this wonderful land of the FREE, and I’m afraid of what people will say or do if they know the real me. The real me that still loves the teachings of Jesus, but wonders if He ever truly rose from the dead. The real me that loves the fact that my gay friends can get hitched. The real me that believes the only hell that exists is here on earth. The real me that knows the bible, that I love, is full of metaphors and yes…contradictions.

So I want to encourage all of us to come out of our closets of doubt when the time is right.  We need to release ourselves from our secrets, because it is our secrets that will lead us toward anxiety and depression.  In order to live life to the fullest we have to be authentic…we have to be ourselves.  And there will be those that reject us, but do we really need those people in our life?  Set yourself free, and I will join you!

Coming to Grips with A New Reality. #atheist #christian #agnostic

Last night I was watching one of the many reality shows with my teenage daughter, and I blurted out, “This is so staged.”  And I got that dirty look that only a teenage daughter can give!  She gets very upset when i criticize her reality shows even though she is fairly certain that I am correct.  And as I was sitting there I thought about how we are all that way when it comes to our religious or non-religious leanings.  

ImageRegardless of whether we are an Atheist, Agnostic, or Christian we tend to get upset or ignore someone saying anything that goes against our world view.  For me it was the arguments against the innerrancy of the bible.  

In my opinion, there is no doubt that the scriptures are full of contradictions and metaphors that have been given the voice of God.  However, when that case was presented to me throughout my earlier life I would either turn down or turn off the volume.  Why?  Because deep down I knew that the critics had a solid case.  And I was taught that everything is black and white in that you either accept or reject it all.  So if I admitted that the bible had some major issues then I might as well just reject God, Jesus, and everything that goes along with it.  Recently I realized that is a ridiculous way to go through life.  And it is also ridiculous to continue to pretend to view something as a reality when you know that it has been staged your entire life.  Remember, these are my thoughts and I don’t mean to offend anyone.  

I would say to my Atheist and Agnostic friends not to do the same thing on the other side as well.  If there is something that begins to make sense when it comes to God don’t turn down the volume.  It is okay for all of us to have doubts…even the doubters!  Okay, that didn’t make sense, but it sounded good.  My point today is that we are all exploring the mystery of life, and while we don’t have to agree I think we should listen to one another.  After all, We may not agree on who created the heavens and the earth, but we can at least figure out a way to make it a better place.