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Do you really have to give yourself a label? #christian #atheism

If you don’t listen to anything else that I write on this extremely insightful blog then please listen to this next sentence.  You and I have to begin living deep within our hearts, and move away from focusing on the past and “what ifs” of the future.  A wise man once said to me, “When you focus on the past (especially the regrets) then it will lead to depression, and if you focus too far into the future it will likely lead to anxiety.”

You may wonder what I mean when I use the expression “living deep within our hearts.”  It simply means you have to begin implementing those things that energize your life.  So ask yourself, “Self, what do I love to do; what makes me feel alive?”  If you are not doing those things on a regular basis then you will have a tendency to move toward feeling depressed.

Many of the readers of my blog are interested in spiritual matters of the heart as well.  In other words we are all trying to figure out what is in our hearts when it comes to spiritual beliefs.  And in my humble opinion, for some of us it has caused or is causing a lot of unnecessary stress, because we feel as though we must have all the answers.  And we believe we must be able to give ourselves the label of agnostic, atheist, Christian, Buddhist, or etc.  Let go of that and accept the fact that the spiritual side of life is truly a wonderful mystery.  I realize that Dr. Richard Dawkins and Billy Graham appear to have no questions about what they believe, but I guarantee you that is not the case.  Allow your spiritual being to develop during the journey of life, and realize that there are some things your head will never be able to believe but your heart will.